

1 Department of Climate Change;

2 Viet Nam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change;

*Correspondence:; Tel.: +84–912119740


This paper presents the development of a framework for effectiveness evaluation of climate change adaptation actions. The top–down approach was used to develop criteria for evaluating adaptation actions at national level and their effectiveness in enhancing adaptive capacity at provincial level. The bottom–up approach was used to develop criteria for evaluating the results of adaptation actions at provincial level and their effectiveness in achieving the national adaptation objectives. The criteria are expected to be part of the results–based climate change adaptation monitoring and evaluation system to be developed for Viet Nam.


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Quang, V.D.D.; Huong, H.T.L. Development of a framework for climate change adaptation actions’ effectiveness evaluation. VN. J. Hydrometeorol. 2020, 6, 46-56.


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