

Nong Lam University of Ho Chi Minh City – Gia Lai campus, Vietnam

Viet Nam Meteorological and Hydrometeorological Administration, Ha Noi, Vietnam

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Ensuring adequate and safe water supply is a top priority in human life, especially cities or residential areas. Accessibility and safety in water supply services requires good operation in the components of domestic water supply systems including water sources, water treatment plants, and distribution network systems. This means that the cooperation and coordination of stakeholders (SH) should be good to help maintain the stable system. Therefore, it is necessary to analyse stakeholder involvement, indicating their responsibilities and roles in maintaining the system. The most appropriate level of involvement is presented to clasify the roles of each stakeholder when operating the system. Analyzing the stakeholders are based on two attributes of interest-power matrix, and then classifiying three most appropriate level of involvement including co-working, co-thinking, co-knowing.


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Nguyen Tuan Anh, Nguyen Ninh Hai, Tran Thi Thao Trang , Bach Quang-Dung, Nguyen Minh Ky (2019), Analyzing Stakeholder Involvement in Urban Domestic Water Supply System - Case Study in Central Highland of Vietnam. Vietnam Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2-1, 56-65.


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