

1 Viet Nam National University of Forestry;

2 Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Changer;

3 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology;

*Correspondence:; Tel: +84–913212325


Net radiation (Rn) is the solar energy absorbed by vegetation and land and water surfaces as a key driving force for evapotranspiration. Therefore, the accuracy of the Rn value affects the determination of evapotranspiration from different models. The article presents the results of calculating the average daily net radiation value according to the FAO–56 model, IRMAK model, and Remote sensing model. The results of calculating the average daily net radiation value at the Hoa Binh province’s meteorological and hydrological monitoring stations according to the FAO–56, IRMAK, and Remote Sensing models have the value of 17.593 MJ/m2/day, 16.389 MJ/m2/day, and 18.531 MJ/m2/day, respectively. The difference of Rnd between the FAO–56 model and the IRMAK model is –1.20 (MJ/m2/day), corresponding to 6.84%, and the difference of Rnd between the FAO–56 model and the Remote sensing model is 0.94 (MJ/m2/day), corresponding to 5.58%. The largest and smallest difference between Rnd_FAO–56 and Rnd­_IRM values at Lam Son hydrological station and Hoa Binh meteorological station is –1.885 (MJ/m2/day) match up 10.10%, and –0.31 (MJ/m2/day) match up 1.75%, respectively. In addition, the largest and smallest difference between Rnd_FAO–56 and Rnd_VT values ​​at Lac Son meteorological station and Lam Son hydrological station is 2.80 (MJ/m2/day), corresponding to 17.49%, and 0.23 (MJ/m2/day), corresponding to 1.18%, respectively. The average daily net radiation value due to percentage at meteorological and hydrological monitoring stations between Rnd_FAO and Rnd_VT: the difference of 0–5% is 5/8 stations, 5–10% is 1/8 stations, 10–15% is 1/8 stations and 15–20% is 1/8 stations, accounting for 62.5%, 12.5%, 12.5% and 12.5%, respectively.


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Chien, H.L.; Phong, D.H.; Truong, X.T. Comparative results of the average daily net radiation (Rnd) from meteorological observation data and Landsat–8 remote sensing imagery areas of Hoa Binh province. VN J. Hydrometeorol. 2021, 9, 9-22.


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