1 Research Center for Climate Change, Nong Lam University Ho Chi Minh city, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam;
2 International Environmental and Agricultural Science, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan;
*Corresponding author:; Tel.: +84–931844631
Modeling approach has considered as an effective alternative method for environmental risk assessment in recent decades. This work aimed to assess the pesticide fate and transport from rice paddy which has higher potential of pesticide runoff compared to upland fields as reported in previous studies. The study area was the Sakura River watershed, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. For modeling rice pesticide, the study applied the PCPF–1@SWAT2012 model. The model was used to simulate concentration of a rice pesticide namely fipronil (C12H4Cl2F6N4OS) in 2009. The simulated streamflow and pesticide concentration were calibrated and validated. The results showed that the maximum pesticide concentrations at the monitored point in the wastershed was 0.008 μg/L in rice paddy cultivation season of 2009. In conclusion, the modeling of the pesitcide was successfully performed in the Sakura River watershed by using the PCPF–1@SWAT2012 model. The fate and transport of the pesticide were assessed. Thus, the modeling can be useful tool for environmental risk assessment.
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Tu, L.H.; Watanabe, H. Assessing pesticide fate and transport following modeling approach: A case study of fipronil in the Sakura River watershed, Japan
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