1 National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam
2 Vietnam Journal of Hydrometeorology, Vietnam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration, Hanoi, Vietnam
3 Center of Environmental, Economics and Climate Change, Institute of Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development, Hanoi, Vietnam.
*Corresponding author:;
Typical ecosystems of islands and coastal areas of our country such as natural forests, corals, seagrasses and mangroves play an important role in local and social socio-economic development. Coastal ecosystems provided many uses such as energy (firewood, wood, ...), exploitation and aquaculture, food and medicine, transportation, tourism, disaster prevention, habitat of plants and animals, CO2 absorption, etc. and non-use (biodiversity, learning cultures,…). However, the impacts of climate change and sea level rise (CC, SLR) and the increase in natural disasters will change the composition of sediments, salinity and pollution levels of water, leading to degradation and threaten the survival of these ecosystems. These are the most productive ecosystems, and also the most threatened in the world. In recently, researchers around the world have built scientific methods to evaluate economic value as well as increasingly complete economic losses. A number of studies have studied the economic loss due to ecosystem degradation related to climate change in Vietnam and in the world but it is still limited. This study mainly assesses the real situation of economic losses due to ecosystem degradation under the impact of climate change in recent studies.
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Dao Huong Giang, Bach Quang Dung, Dao Manh Tri (2019), Overview of Investigations in Economic Loss by Ecosystem Degradation Relating to Climate Change. Vietnam Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2-1, 12-20.
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