

1Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment;;

*Corresponding author:; Tel.: +84–945014398


Flood is one of the most commonly occurring forms of natural disaster which damage to environment and society. Flood events have been increased both in their intensity and frequency associating with increasing average global temperature due to climate change. In order to contribute to the work of mitigating the effect of climate change as well as floods' damage, this study introduces a method to simulate discharge with respect to design storm through hydrological modeling system (HMS). This model is applied for three case studies the Upper Sunter river basin in Indonesia, the Vu Gia–Thu Bon river basin and the Nhat Le River basin in Vietnam in which there were several severe floods occurred, causing severe impacts on social development. Hydrologic simulations were performed using the software of Hydrologic Engineering Center's Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC–HMS). With three different precipitation input data, daily data in the Upper Sunter river basin, 6–hourly data in the Vu Gia–Thu Bon river basin and hourly data in the Nhat Le river basin were used to simulate. The HEC–HMS calibration and validation were conducted to assess the model performance, and the estimation of design floods with respect to design storm was also presented. NSE coefficients are higher than 0.70 in both calibration and validation process through the years which is acceptable for further simulation. With the validated model, seven return periods (2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 years) were used to design seven floods.


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Linh, N.T.T.; Minh, H.T.N. Global Land Surface Data Applications in Flood Hydrologic Modeling Using HEC–GeoHMS and HEC–HMS for Three Watersheds in Southeast Asia. VN J. Hydrometeorol. 2022, 12, 9-22. 


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