

1 Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam;

2 Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Vietnam;

3 Thuyloi University, Vietnam;

4 Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands;

5 Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Vietnam;

*Corresponding author:; Tel.: +84–395357993


The application of brushwood fences along the Mekong deltaic coast has recently played a significant role in wave damping and promoting sedimentation. The insight mechanism of brushwood fence for wave energy reduction is the bulk drag coefficient that is also linked to the well-known Forchheimer coefficients (a, b). The bulk drag coefficient was then applied in the SWASH model for validation in its implementation model, the vegetation model, and showed a good comparison with the physical model in the same settings. The porosity model in the SWASH model applied the Forchheimer coefficient has not been used for validation even though the strong links between the  and the a, b were indicated. In this study, the validation of wave-fence interaction in the porosity model of the SWASH model is presented and compared to the vegetation model in the previous study. The results show a good agreement of wave heights and wave spectrum between the physical, vegetation and porosity models. Furthermore, the computational and physical model errors, such as BIAS and SI values, are less than 1 mm and 10%, respectively.


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Tung, H.D.; Mai, T.; Mai, C.; Tuan, D.T.M. An alternative calibration method for wave-fence interaction in SWASH model. VN J. Hydrometeorol. 2022, 12, 23-32. 


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