

1 National Centre for Hydro–Meteorological Forecasting;;;;

2 Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change;

*Corresponding author:; Tel.: +84–912967014


Flash flood is a natural disaster occurring in a short time due to heavy rainfall combined with topography, geomorphology, economic growth in the basin. Although it happens on a small scale but it leaves far–reaching destruction in its wake. Recent years have recorded, several consecutive flash flood events causing great damage in the mountainous area of Quang Nam province. For example, in 2020, the successive flash floods and landslides occurring in October and November has been a pressing disaster problem which causes great loss of life and property. Flash flood prediction poses a big challenge for not only Vietnamese but also international scientists. The general method of flash flood prediction is based on threshold runoff and bankfull discharge. Currently, the Viet Nam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration is selected as Regional Centre for supporting flash flood warning by the World Meteorological Organization, has received the “Southeast Asia Flash Flood Guidance System (SEAFFGS)” developed by the U.S Hydrological Research Center and initially applied in flash flood and landslide warning. This paper presents the results of a methodological application for determining the guidance threshold runoff and bankfull discharge for flash flood warning in the SEAFFGS, which will be applied for the mountainous area of Quang Nam province as a pilot study area. The research results will be the first step for studies to determine the threshold runoff formed for flash flood warnings and can be referred for other mountainous regions of Vietnam.


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Phuong, T.T.; Mai, T.T.; Quynh, N.T.N.; Kien, N.T.; Dung, L.H. Exploiting SEAFFGS to determine threshold runoff and bankfull discharge – pilot application for Quang Nam province. VN J. Hydrometeorol. 2022, 13, 25-36. 


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