1 Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology;;;
2 Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
*Corresponding author:; Tel.: +84–918017376
In recent years, the socio-economic development of two districts of Cam Lam and Cam Ranh city of Khanh Hoa province has taken place strongly. This process has affected the environment of Thuy Trieu lagoon (TTL), leading to the need to assess the lagoon water environmental carrying capacity (LECC). Based on survey data in the years 2019–2021, this study has the objective of assessing the environmental capacity of the Thuy Trieu lagoon. Three substances are selected: Ammonia, Phosphate, and Nitrate. In this study, we use a MIKE 3 model with a Hydrodynamic module (HD) combined with a 3D numerical lab for ecological modeling (ECOLab), then extract the results and calculate the environmental carrying capacity load for the Thuy Trieu lagoon in the wet and dry seasons. The results showed that in the dry season, the residual carrying capacity of the water body LECCRM of substances such as Ammonia is 104.81 tons/month, Phosphate 193.18 tons/month, and Nitrate 2,294.91 tons/month. During the wet season, the LECCRM capacity in the water body also increased compared to the dry season with the LECCRM values of the following substances: Ammonium 165.33 tons/month, Phosphate 311.41 tons/month, and Nitrate 3,629.60 tons/month. This result complements the results already done, helping to have a more scientific basis for lagoon management and planning.
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Hanh, P.T.H.; Diem, T.T.L.H.; Long, B.T. Assessment of water environmental carrying capacity of Thuy Trieu lagoon, Cam Ranh, Khanh Hoa. VN J. Hydrometeorol. 2022, 13, 37-53.
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