1 Department of Environmental Science, SaiGon University;
2 Department of Environmental Science, SaiGon University;
3 Department of Construction, The People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam;
*Corresponding author:; Tel.: +84−938914769
Research on people's evaluations and expectations for the living environmental quality has been conducted by many studies. In Vietnam, assessing people's opinions about the quality of the living environment, especially in densely areas, are still limited. However, people's judgments about the quality of the living environment have been considered as one of the assessing methods for the regional environmental protection results, approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in 2019. Therefore, this research was carried out to provide the evaluation and expectations of the people about the quality of their living environment in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. The study used Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), a multivariate evaluation method, to group the surveyed answers that best express the respondents' evaluations and expectations. From 07 proposed groups and 26 initial variables, the analysis results have been reduced to 3 evaluation groups with 18 variables; and 2 expectation groups with 18 variables. The analysis results of influencing factors including age, survey’s location, and gender showed that although there is no difference in the two groups of gender, the age groups and respondents of 10 wards of District 1 revealed significantly different answers. The results of this pilot evaluation can therefore be applied as a premise to expand more in−depth studies on a larger scale and broader scope, and also an important reference for managers in designing regional environmental management options and plans, particularly in terms of age and location.
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Thu, N.T.M.; Hang, N.T.T.; Hai, P.T. Application of Exploratory Factor Analysis on assessment of the community – based survey on environmental quality in Distric 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. VN J. Hydrometeorol. 2022, 13, 90-104.
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