

1 VNU School of Interdisciplinary Sciences and Arts, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 100000, Vietnam;

2 Vietnam Japan University, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Luu Huu Phuoc, Hanoi, Vietnam;;;

3 University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, 334 Nguyen Trai, Hanoi, Vietnam;;

4 Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology, Hanoi 10072, Vietnam;

*Corresponding author:;; Tel.: +84–968046008


This research was conducted to assess the environmental sustainability of a metalware handicraft village in Hanoi, Vietnam using 17 indicators of 4 components (Environmental systems - S1, Reducing environmental stresses - S2, Reducing human vulnerability - S3, and Social institutional capacity - S4). All indicators were quantified on a scale of 0-1, reflecting a range from low to high sustainability. A combination of soil and water analysis, and a social survey of 67 local households were conducted. The results show that the number of water samples exceeding the allowable limits for wastewater (QCVN 40:2011/BTNMT, Column B), domestic water (QCVN 01-1:2018/BYT), ground water (QCVN 09:2023/BTNMT), and surface water (QCVN 08:2023/BTNMT, Column B) was 13/14 (NH4+), 9/14 (COD), 8/14 (BOD5), 4/14 (PO43-), 5/14 (Fe), and 6/14 (Mn). The concentrations of heavy metals in soil were within acceptable limits for agricultural soil (QCVN 03:2023/BTNMT). The social survey results present high percentages of households dissatisfaction with the quality of air (43%) and water (74.5%), which were also perceived to negatively impact on human health by 67% and 81% of respondents, respectively. The environmental sustainability of the study area is 0.38 (low sustainability) with the following order: S3 (0.25) < S2 (0.26) < S4 (0.44) < S1 (0.57). Solutions on management, policy, and technology are proposed for ensuring environmental sustainability of the metalware handicraft village.


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Hang, N.T.T.; Hien, P.T.; Nga, T.T.H.; Huyen, N.T.K.; Hoa, B.T.; Thu, N.T.T.; Ha, N.T.H. Indicator-based assessment of environmental sustainability of a metalware handicraft village in Hanoi, VietnamJ. Hydro-Meteorol. 202421, 8-21.


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