1 Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment;;
2 Vietnam Institute of Surveying and Mapping;
*Corresponding author:; Tel.: +84–97678581
This study proposes a method for normalizing the elevation of the global digital elevation model (GDEM) ALOS World 3D - 30 m (AW3D30) to Vietnam's national height system, based on national GNSS/levelling data from Ninh Bình province and surrounding areas. The correction process consists of three main steps: (1) Collecting GNSS/levelling data, global DEM data, and EGM96 geoid model data to ensure accuracy and consistency; (2) Determining correction parameters to transform AW3D30 global elevations to local heights, including analyzing differences between global and local geoid models and assessing tidal influences; (3) Verifying, correcting, and evaluating the accuracy of AW3D30 after correction to align with the national height system. Experimental results show that after correction, the root mean square error of the AW3D30 model in the national vertical datum is ±1.613 m, while the maximum deviation between AW3D30 elevations and GNSS/levelling heights is reduced from 9.014 m to 5.238 m. Approximately 91.7% of GNSS/levelling points have deviations within the acceptable range, demonstrating that the correction method significantly enhances the accuracy and applicability of AW3D30 in the national vertical datum. This method not only facilitates the normalization of AW3D30 in the study area but can also be applied to other regions in Vietnam, as well as to other GDEMs. The research findings contribute to improving the accuracy of topographic data, supporting spatial planning, resource management, disaster forecasting, and related applications.
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Tham, B.T.H.; Thu, T.T.H.; Hoai, D.T. Standardization of the elevation in the AW3D30 global digital elevation model to the Vietnamese national vertical datum: An experiment in Ninh Binh province and surrounding areas. J. Hydro-Meteorol. 2025, 23, 22-35.
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