1 Institute for Environment and Resources, VNU-HCMC;
*Corresponding author:; Tel.: +84–903605245
The formation and development of seaports are closely related to the economic development of the region and localities with ports. However, in addition to the positive impacts on economic and social development, the operation of seaports also leads to negative effects on air quality in the area and public health. In addition to seaport activities, fishing ports also contribute significantly to the problem of air pollution in the port area. Therefore, it is necessary to study and estimate the air pollution emissions inventory from port activities, simulate the dispersion of air pollution from the Cat Lo Vung Tau fishing port to the surrounding areas and propose solutions to manage the air quality at the Cat Lo Vung Tau fishing port. The results of the emission inventory show that NOx emitted from fishing vessels and trucks is 2.463 tons/year, SO2 is 1.520 tons/year; CO is 0.377 tons/year; PM2.5 is 0.251 tons/year; PM10 is 0.273 tons/year. Emissions from fishing vessel activities are mainly at the port. The results of air quality simulation using the TAPM-AERMOD model system show that the environmental quality of the port area is not polluted and has not negatively affected surrounding areas. The study also proposed some solutions to prevent and minimize pollution, while supporting the sustainable development of Cat Lo Vung Tau fishing port in the future.
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Dung, H.M. Study to simulate the dispersion of air pollution and propose solutions to mitigate pollution from the Cat Lo Vung Tau fishing port, Ba Ria - Vung Tau province. J. Hydro-Meteorol. 2025, 23, 36-49.
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