

Vietnam Journal of Hydrometeorology, Vietnam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration, Hanoi, Vietnam

Department of Environmental Engineering & Biotechnology Mokpo National Maritime University, Mokpo 58628, South Korea

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Variations of chlorophyll a in relation with freshwater quality in Korean reservoirs were in- vestigated during the period of 1992-2006. This study compared assessed total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), total suspended solids (TSS), Secchi depth (SD) and phytoplankton bio­mass (Chlorophyll a (Chl)) relating to pre-mon­soon, monsoon and post-monsoon in South Korea reservoirs. Linear relationships were ob­served between log-transformed Chl and log- transformed TN, TP, TSS, SD and applied for all study sites to examine relationship of these fac­tors in South Korea reservoirs. The results demonstrated that phytoplankton biomass re­sponded to nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment and was also differently and remarkably related to TSS, SD in Korean reservoirs during pre-mon­soon, monsoon and post-monsoon.


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Bach Quang-Dung, Yongsik Shin (2020), Assessment of Relationships between Chlorophyll a and Water Quality in South Korea Reservoirs Relating Summer Monsoon. Vietnam Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4, 77-83.


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