ISSN Print: 2525-2208 ISSN Online:
Website: https://vnjhm.vn
Email: tapchikttv@gmail.com; tapchi@kttv.gov.vn
Google-based Impact Factor: 112 Citation h5-index & Ranking
Activities of JICA on disaster prevention and achievement of JICA project in Period 1
Downloads Pub Date : 14/10/2020
DOI: 10.36335/VNJHM.2020(5).1-12 871 Downloads 1511 Views 4 Citation
A proposal of AWS maintenance and periodic calibration tools and installation of ARGs for Radar QPE calibration
Downloads Pub Date : 14/10/2020
DOI: 10.36335/VNJHM.2020(5).13-35 960 Downloads 1349 Views 2 Citation
Quantitative Precipitation Estimation by Combining Rain gauge and Meteorological Radar Network in Viet Nam
Downloads Pub Date : 14/10/2020
DOI: 10.36335/VNJHM.2020(5).36-50 1060 Downloads 1688 Views 12 Citation
Development of maximum and minimum temperature guidance with Kalman filter for 63 cities in Vietnam up to 10 days ahead
Downloads Pub Date : 15/10/2020
DOI: 10.36335/VNJHM.2020(5).51-64 750 Downloads 1534 Views 3 Citation
Heavy rainfall in central Viet Nam in December 2018 and modification of precipitation analysis at VNMHA
Downloads Pub Date : 15/10/2020
DOI: 10.36335/VNJHM.2020(5).65-79 842 Downloads 2078 Views 4 Citation
Application of GSMaP Satellite data in precipitation estimation and nowcasting: evaluations for October 2019 to January 2020 period for Vietnam
Downloads Pub Date : 15/10/2020
DOI: 10.36335/VNJHM.2020(5).80-94 846 Downloads 1791 Views 7 Citation
Identifying of the start date of the active tropical cyclone season in the western North Pacific and East Sea
Downloads Pub Date : 15/10/2020
DOI: 10.36335/VNJHM.2020(5).95-100 643 Downloads 1323 Views 0 Citation
Application of remote sensing techniques for analyzing operation of upstream reservoirs in transboundary river basins of Vietnam
Downloads Pub Date : 15/10/2020
DOI: 10.36335/VNJHM.2020(5).101-111 803 Downloads 1482 Views 0 Citation

Doan Quang Tri (Acting Editor-in-Chief)
Earth Science and Environmental Engineering
Associate Professor Earth Science, Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, Journal of Hydro-Meteorology, Viet Nam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration, Hanoi, Viet Nam
WoS: 26, Scopus: 37, Google Scholar: h-index: 17; i10-index: 24
Dr. Doan Quang Tri graduated with a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Dayeh University, Taiwan. He was a forecaster at the National Center for Hydro-meteorological Forecasting (NCHMF) in Vietnam during 2015-2017. He works on the Editor Board and Acting Editor-in-Chief at the Journal of Hydro-Meteorology, Vietnam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration. Asso. Prof. Dr. Tri authorized 90 papers published in journals, international and domestic conferences, 06 monographs, reference books, and 02 book chapters.
His primary research interests include environmental management, oil spills, environmental impact assessment, water quality, river and ocean hydrodynamics, coastal change, hydro-meteorology, drought, flood and inundation forecasting and warning, MRV, and climate change.

Tran Hong Thai (President of Editorial Board)
Environmental Science
1. Professor, Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment, Hanoi, Viet Nam
2. Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology
h-index: 7, Scopus: 9 Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com.vn/citations?hl=vi&user=RGJC-rkAAAAJ
Tran Hong Thai is currently a professor of Earth Science and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Viet Nam, Vice President of the Asian Meteorological Association Region II (RA-II) (2021-2024). His major has recently been mathematical modeling, simulation, hydrology, water resources, climate change, and environment.

Tran Thuc (Editorial Board)
Hydrology, Coastal Engineering, Climate Change
1. Professor, Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change, Ha Noi, Viet Nam;
2. Chairman, Viet Nam Association of Meteorology and Hydrology, Ha Noi, Viet Nam.
h-index: 9, Scopus: 9
Dr. Tran Thuc is a professor in water resources. He is the Chairman of Viet Nam Association of Meteorology and Hydrology, Vice Chairman of the Viet Nam National Advisory Council on Climate Change, and Chairman of the Viet Nam National Committee for the International Hydrological Program (UNESCO/IHP). His major is in hydrology, water resources engineering and management, climate adaptation and mitigation policy, and disaster risk reduction.

Mai Trong Nhuan (Editorial Board)
Earth Science, Environmental Geology, Climate Change, Sustainable Development
Professor, Vietnam National University (VNU), Hanoi, Viet Nam
mnhuan@yahoo.com; nhuanmt@vnu.edu.vn
Dr. Mai Trong Nhuan is a professor in Earth Science (geology). He is the Chairman of Viet Nam Association of Geochemistry, Vice Chairman of the Viet Nam Union of Geological Sciences, Vice Chairman of the Viet Nam National Advisory Council on Climate Change. He was a leader of various National and International projects on Environmental Geology, Climate Change response, sustainable natural resource use and management, environmental impact assessment, and protection. His major is in Environmental Geology, Climate Change response, disaster mitigation, natural resource management, Sustainable Development.

Phan Van Tan (Editorial Board)
Regional Climate Modeling and Climate Change, Meteorology
Professor, VNU University of Science (HUS), Vietnam National University (VNU), Hanoi, Viet Nam
phanvantan@hus.edu.vn; tanpv@vnu.edu.vn
Dr. Phan Van Tan is a Professor in Earth Science, Leader of the Regional Climate Modelling and Climate Change (REMOCLIC) team, under the VNU University of Science (HUS), Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU). He has many years of experience in weather and climate research, focusing mainly on climate change, regional climate modeling, seasonal forecasting, and data analysis. He was a leader of various National and International projects on Extreme Climate Events (ECE) and their impacts on Vietnam, seasonal prediction of ECEs for Vietnam, High-Resolution Climate Projection for Southeast Asia, dynamical seasonal tropical cyclone prediction, drought over Vietnam, and Southeast Asia, etc. Currently, he is a key member of the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Initiative (SEARCI), networking of scientists within the Southeast Asia region, involving the Southeast Asia Regional Climate Downscaling (SEACLID/CORDEX SEA) project.

Nguyen Ky Phung (Editorial Board)
Environmental Science, Marine Science
Professor, University of resources and environment
h-index: WoS: 16,22, Scopus: 21, Citation: 286 Google Scholar: 10
Professor Nguyen Ky Phung has been working as a Vice President of Thu Duc City People’s Committees, HCM City, Vietnam. He completed his BSc. in Oceanography and then pursued a Ph.D. in Oceanography at St. Petersburg Hydro-meteorological University, Russia in 1993, he graduated International Economic from Saint Peterburg - Russia this year. For eight years, he was Vice Director of the Department of Science and Technology – DOST, Ho Chi Minh City, VietNam, and Director of Institute for Computational Science and Technology - ICST, Vietnam. He also was a Board member of the National Marine Science and Technology Program, Ministry of Science and Technology; Environmental Protection and Climate Change Program, Department of Science and Technology, HCMC, Vietnam; Water and Environment Association, HCMC, Vietnam and also served for 4 years on the Board of the Sub Institute of Hydro-meteorology and Environment of South Vietnam, Ministry of Resources and Environment; 8 years on the Board of Faculty of Environment, University of Science, VNU-HCM.
Achievements track record:
01/2021–Ongoing: Vice President of Thu Duc City People’s Committees, HCM City, Vietnam.
2013–2020: Vice Director of Department of Science and Technology, HCMC
Director of Institute for Computational Science and Technology, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam.
2009–2013: Vice Director of Sub Institute of Hydro-meteorology and Environment of South Vietnam, Ministry of Resources and Environment, Vietnam.
2001–2009: Vice Dean of Faculty of Environment, University of Sciences, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Professor Nguyen Ky Phung involves in a variety of national and international research and development projects, he was the Project Coordinator of 49 research projects, the author and co-author of 157 papers, and also the author of ten books.

Phan Dinh Tuan (Editorial Board)
Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Material Science and Technology
Professor, Hochiminh City University of Natural Resources and Environment, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Dr. Phan Dinh Tuan is a Professor in Chemical, Environmental Engineering, and Material Science and Technology. He is Vice-Chair of the Vietnam Association of Natural Products, Chair of the Applied Research Institute for Natural Resources, Materials, and Environment. He was the Leader of different National and International Projects in Chemical, Environmental, and Sustainable Engineering, as well as Educational and Manpower training. He is now a key member of the National Research Program for Environmental Industry. His research focuses on Chemical, Environmental Engineering, Material Science and Technology, and Sustainable Development.

Nguyen Kim Loi (Editorial Board)
GIS, Hydrology, Climate Change
Professor, Research Center for Climate Change (RCCC) - Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Professor Nguyen Kim Loi is a Director of Research Center for Climate Change (RCCC), and Head of the Department of Applied Geomatics, Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. His current research involves GIS applications and related spatial techniques for watershed modeling, flooding warning system, soil, and water assessment tool (SWAT) model, soil erosion control, land use mapping, and climate change. In addition, he has been a frequent contributor to several international agencies such as CIDA, ACIAR, WWF, and IUCN.

Nguyen Van Thang (Editorial Board)
Associate Professor, Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate change, Viet Nam
Associate Professor Nguyen Van Thang is now a Director General of Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate change, Viet Nam. His research involves evaluation of summer monsoon climate, studying the characteristics of heavy rainfall, climate change in the Mekong Delta, changes in climate extremes in Vietnam, strengthening capacity for policy research on mainstreaming adaptation to climate change, high-resolution simulations for Vietnam, and evaluation of current climate, effects of ENSO on autumn rainfall in central Vietnam, climate disasters and climate change in Vietnam: climate change impacts and adaptation in the Water Resources and Agriculture in Vietnam. In addition, he has been a frequent contributor to several international seminars such as the meeting session COP24/CMP14/CMA1.3, The Nineteenth Session of the Intergovernmental Meeting on the EANET (IG19), UNFCCC (COP21) and the 11th session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to Kyoto Protocol (CMP11), (LIMA COP20/CMP10).

Duong Van Kham (Editorial Board)
Meteorology, Agrometeorology
Associate Professor, Viet Nam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Duong Van Kham is currently an associate professor of Earth Science. His major has recently been meteorology, agro-meteorology, remote sensing, and GIS.
After graduating, he worked at Bac Bo Delta experimental station for Agricultural Meteorology, under IMHEN. Besides the participation in experimental observation to provide data for specialist skill, making agricultural information in the scale of all country; study and research Photon in photosynthetic radiation, LAI index, soil moisture calculation, constants of evapotranspiration, potential evapotranspiration, plant evapotranspiration calculation by Lizimeter, producing components for some plant varieties such as rice, maize, peanut, soybeans … research of some projects on Meteorology, agricultural meteorology as Research on active radiation distribution in Viet Nam; Research into maize, soybeans productivity forecasting by transfer function model; Participation in VE-86/025 project to enhance capacity in agricultural meteorology by UNDP fund 1997-2004.
From 1997 to 2004, studied for a master's and Ph.D. degree at Nanjing University of Sciences and Technology, China, he studied modern methods, and technology applied in hydrometeorology, and agrometeorology.
Research on applications of remote sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) in Hydrometeorology
Applying GIS techniques in agricultural climate resources assessing and agricultural climate zoning in Viet Nam.
Applying remote sensing and Geographic Information System in Hydrometeorology
Applying remote sensing and GIS techniques in rice growth, development monitoring, and production forecasting in the Red River delta through using a new method- MODIS data- to monitor and forecast the rice productivity and yield in Vietnam, etc.

Duong Hong Son (Editorial Board)
Biological and Environmental Sciences
Associate Professor, Water Resources Institute, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Dr. Duong Hong Son is an Associate Professor in Earth Science. He is the Director General of the Institute of Water Resources. He is the National Focal Point for SDG6 monitoring in Vietnam. His research focuses on water resources planning, forecasting, and warning, application of remote sensing in water resources, water-induced disaster prevention, control, and climate change impact assessment on national/regional/international river basins.

Hoang Duc Cuong (Editorial Board)
Ph.D., Viet Nam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Dr. Hoang Duc Cuong has a doctorate in Meteorology and Climate, Russian Federation (2000). He is currently the Vice Administrator of the Viet Nam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration (VNMHA). His research focuses on Meteorology, Climate, Hydrometeorological Forecasting, and the Physical basis of climate change.

Mai Van Khiem (Editorial Board)
Associate Professor, Viet Nam National Center of Hydro-Meteorology Forecasting (NCHMF), Hanoi, Viet Nam
h-index: WOS: 17, Scopus: 14, Google Scholar: 10
Dr. Mai Van Khiem has a Ph.D. degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Tokyo, Japan (2010). He is presently Director General of the National Center for Hydro-meteorological Forecasting (NCHMF). His research is focused on weather and climate prediction, climate change, and variability.

Nguyen Ba Thuy (Editorial Board)
Ocean and Coastal Engineering
Associate Professor, Viet Nam National Center of Hydro-Meteorology Forecasting (NCHMF), Hanoi, Viet Nam
h-index: 8, Scopus: 14
Dr. Nguyen Ba Thuy graduated a Ph.D. in Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering at Saitama University, Japan. He was a forecaster at the National Center for Hydro-meteorological Forecasting (NCHMF) in Vietnam from 2010. Dr. Thuy is the author of about 60 papers published in journals and international and domestic conferences. His major research interests are in coastal and ocean engineering, and climate change.

Dinh Thai Hung (Editorial Board)
Environmental Science
Ph.D. Institute of Natural Resources and Environment Training (InNET), Hanoi, Viet Nam
Have working experiences with Vietnam governmental ministries and international organizations in policy, program, research and project implementation on human resource development, hydrology, meteorology and natural disaster, environment protection and conservation, environmental assessment, climate change adaptation and mitigation;
Capacity building in hydrological, meteorological and environmental education and training, climate change response in central and provincial levels;
Development and efficient operation in close partnership and network among governmental administration offices and international organizations in environmental protection and conservation, natural disaster prevention and climate change response in Vietnam;
Experience in teamwork organization and management to implement project and research on human resource development, environmental protection, environmental conservation, natural disaster prevention, and climate change response.

Vo Van Hoa (Editorial Board)
Ph.D., Northern Delta Regional Hydro-Meteorological Center, Viet Nam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Mr. Vo Van Hoa is Ph.D. in meteorology and climatology. He has worked in numerical weather prediction modeling since 2002. He has good experiments in numerical weather prediction modeling, climate modeling, data assimilation, statistical prediction, model out statistics, and ensemble prediction. He has been publishing many research papers in domestic and international scientific journals related to the above-mentioned topics. He has taught some training courses on using numerical weather prediction products in Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project for Southeast Asia (SWFDP-SeA) of WMO.

Bach Quang Dung (Editorial Board)
Environmental Science
Ph.D, Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment, Viet Nam
h-index: WOS: 4, Scopus:4, Google Scholar: 10
Dr. Bach Quang-Dung graduated with a Dr. Engineer in Marine Environmental Engineering at Mokpo National Maritime University, South Korea. He worked at Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Change in Vietnam during 2009-2018. He has worked at Vietnam Journal of Hydrometeorology during 2019-2021, Vietnam Meteorological and Hydrological Administration. Recently, he is an advisor for circulatory-organic agriculture. Dr. Quang-Dung is the author of 48 papers published in journals and reference books. His major research interests include environmental technology, wastewater treatment, water quality, plankton dynamic, microbiological applications, circulatory-organic agriculture, and climate change.

Nguyen Dac Dong (Editorial Board)
Geology, Earth science, Environmental science
Ph.D., Institute of Earth Sciences and Environment, Vietnam Union of Geological Sciences
Viet Nam
Dr. Dong is the Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences and Environment, the Vice President - General Secretary of Vietnam Union of Geological Sciences, and former Director of the Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE). Dr. Dong has also been the Deputy Chairman of the Program "Science and technology in response to climate change, natural resources and environment management for the period 2011-2015 and the period 2016-2020". Dr. Dong managed a lot of geological and mineral projects, one of them could be mentioned recently as the Exploration of tin - rare metals ores in Dong Ram - La Vi area, Ba Kham commune, and Ba Trang commune, Ba To district, Quang Ngai province.

Kazuo Saito (Editorial Board)
Numerical weather prediction, Typhoon, Local wind
1. Professor, Head, Second Laboratory, Research Promotion Department, Japan Meteorological Business Support Center
2. Guest Professor, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
3. Guest Researcher, Department of Observation and data Assimilation, Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency
k-saito@jmbsc.or.jp, k_saito@aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp
h-index: WoS: 22, Google Scholar: 32
Dr. Kazuo Saito is the Head of the Second Laboratory, Research Promotion Department, Japan Meteorological Business Support Center. He has guest positions as a Guest Professor at the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, and a Guest Researcher at the Department of Observation and data Assimilation, Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency. His major is in Numerical weather prediction, Local wind, Typhoon, and Heavy precipitation.

Jun Matsumoto (Editorial Board)
Climatology, Physical Geography
1. Professor, Department of Geography, Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU), Tokyo, Japan
2. Visiting Principal Scientist, Department of Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Land Processes Research, Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka, Japan
h-index: WoS: 30, Scopus: 31, Google Scholar: 40
Prof. Jun Matsumoto has been engaged in research and education in climatology and physical geography, focusing on Asian and global monsoon climate.

Jaecheol Nam (Editorial Board)
Professor, Administrator of Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) and PR of the Republic of Korea with WMO
Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA), Meteorological Research Institute (METRI), Seoul National University (SNU), South Korea
Keunyong Song (Editorial Board)
Professor, Korea Meteorological Institute (KMI), Korea

Lars Robert Hole (Editorial Board)
Ph.D., Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Department of Oceanography and Marine Meteorology, Norway
Irh@met.no (L.R. Hole)

Sooyoul Kim (Editorial Board)
Coastal and Ocean Engineering
Associate Professor, Center for Water Cycle Marine Environment and Disaster Management (CWMD)/Department of Civil Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Kumamoto University, Japan
h-index: 10, WoS: 17, Scopus: 21, Google Scholar: 10
In recent days, risks of coastal hazards accelerate due to the further strengthening of typhoons/hurricanes under climate change impact. Also, aspects of the coastal hazard are getting more complex. However, numerical compound models are more petite that are able to solve such coastal floods due to storm surge overflow, wave overtopping/wave runup, river flow, the interaction of surge and river flow, precipitation, and backflow of a sewer system. Those accuracies are not enough. Since a coupled model of the surge, wave, and tide (SuWAT) was developed in Ph.D., we have been improving and extending SuWAT to a compound model of storm surge overflow, wave overtopping/wave runup, river flow, the interaction of surge and river flow, precipitation, backflow of a sewer system. I have also been looking at climate change impacts on the risk of coastal hazards using SuWAT and machine learning techniques.
Author’s guidelines and journal’s indexes
1. Guidelines for the authors
1.2. Example of Publication Template
1.3. JHM_references_guide
2. Price per published article:
For authors working inside and outside the Hydro-Meteorology field: 3,000,000 VND/article; Support for authors who are PhD students, Master students, and students, it is 2,500,000 VND/article.
Declare all other charges: language editing fees, membership fees, print volume issue costs, and other supplementary charges.
3. Lookup list of indexes of the Journal of Hydro-Meteorology
These indexes are referred to in some materials as follows:
3.1. The state council for the Professorship in 2017 (Score 0-0.5)
3.2. Interdisciplinary Council of Earth Sciences - Mining in 2019 (Score 0-0.5)
3.3. Council on Water Resources in 2019-2024 (Score 0-1.0)
3.4. Interdisciplinary Council of Earth Sciences - Mining in 2020-2024 (Score 0-1.0)
3.5. Council of Mechanics in 2020-2024 (Score 0-0.5)
4. Reference for updated index ISSN of Journal of Hydro-Meteorology
Aims & Scope
Journal of Hydro-Meteorology (JHM) is an international scientific journal in the field of Hydrology and Meteorology. The main purpose of this journal is to improve the understanding of the correlation between Hydrology, Meteorology, and associated applications of Water Resource management. Also, the Journal covers significant developments in the field of hydrometeorology, technology, water resources, and related topics including water, air, soil pollution, hazardous waste issues, water irrigation, Ecohydrology, Climatology, Agrohydrology, Geomorphology, Environment, Climate change, etc. All manuscripts must be written in English and are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process. Generally, accepted papers will directly appear online before being printed as hard copies. Additionally, the journal welcomes and publishes papers in other following fields:
- Agriculture
- Applied Hydrology
- Atmospheric Chemistry
- Climate
- Design Storm
- Drainage Basin Management
- Ecohydrology
- Ecology
- Evaporation
- Hydrology Engineering
- Forests
- Geography
- Earth Science and Environment
- Groundwater Hydrology
- Hydraulics
- Hydrochemistry
- Hydro informatics
- Hydrometeorology
- Natural Hazards
- Isotope Hydrology
- Meteorology
- Microscale Meteorology
- Mesoscale Meteorology
- Oceanography
- River Hydrology
- Socio-Hydrology
- Flood, Inundation
- Spring Hydrology
- Surface Water Hydrology
- Tropical and Oceanographic Meteorology
- Urban Hydrology
- Water Management
- Water Quality
- Surface Water Hydrology
- Ground Water Quality and Analysis
- Erosion and Sedimentation Transportation
- Hydrology Modelling
- Ecohydrology
- Hydrochemistry
- Hydroinformatics
- Hydrometeorology
- Water Management
- Sociohydrology
- Environment
- Climate change